Wednesday, December 31, 2025


Price’s Creameries & Sun Bowl Association Send Six to Dallas Cowboys Game December 10, 2013

Price’s Creameries & Sun Bowl Association Send Six to Dallas Cowboys Game

Two-time NFL Punt, Pass & Kick winners Jasper Sanchez and Emily Alvarado will compete at the halftime of the Dallas vs. Green Bay game on Sunday, Dec. 15, AT&T Stadium.

Sanchez, the quarterback of his seventh grade football team at Bill Sybert Middle School, finished first in the 12 and 13 age category with a combined score of 337 feet and 4 inches at this year’s PP&K held at Sun Bowl Stadium this October. His high score ranked him in the top four of the El Paso, Lubbock, and Amarillo region. His first trip to Dallas was in 2010 where he placed third overall.

“I am excited to go again, especially this time because the Packers are my favorite team,” said Sanchez.

Repeat winner, 15-year old Alvarado is on the Mexican National Soccer team, which has been invited to compete in the World Cup. Alvarado recorded a total score of 304 feet and 3 inches, a personal record for her at a PP&K event.

“I knew I had done better this year than before, I was hoping to reach 300 so I was really happy when I got over 304,” Alvarado said. “I had a good feeling but was still hoping it would be enough to get me to Dallas.”

This PP&K vet has been competing since the third grade, winning when she was in the fourth grade and placing second in Dallas overall.

Along with Sanchez and Alvarado, four other El Paso competitors will be representing the Sun City at this weekend’s Cowboys game. Daniel Lopez (7 yrs. old), Kayden Anderson (7 yrs. old), Julian Palma (9 yrs. old), and Adrian Sanchez (10 yrs. old).

A total of six El Paso competitors is the most sent to represent the West Texas Region.

Price’s Creameries and the Sun bowl will cover all travel expenses for the competitors and a parent for each.

Contact Us!

Sun Bowl Association
4150 Pinnacle Street
Suite 100
El Paso, Texas 79902

Phone: (915) 533-4416
Toll Free: (800) 915-BOWL