Wednesday, December 31, 2025

Sun Court

Ashley Rios Lady-in-Waiting

Ashley Rios

Ashley Rios, daughter of Daniel & Patricia Rios, graduated from Silva Health Magnet High School and most recently earned her degree from Texas A&M University. She is continuing on by pursuing a master’s degree in Public Health, with a focus on Health Promotion and Community Health Science. During high school, Ashley was actively involved in the National Honor Society and the Silverettes Dance Team. She is now a member of the Mexican Student Association, where she has recently finished her term as Outreach Chair Officer. In this role, she organized fundraising events for the Brazos Interfaith Immigration Network while attending to student’s educational needs and will continue her involvement as the organization’s advisor.

Ashley has gained substantial experience as a Vaccine Mixer at the University Medical Center COVID Vaccination Hub, where she assisted in vaccinating over 50,000 individuals. She also interned at Southwest Coalition for Life, focusing on outreach initiatives for women’s health.
Currently, she works as a graduate assistant in the Prevention and Population division at University Health Services at Texas A&M, where she supports the mental and physical well-being of students.

Additionally, Ashley is well-acquainted with the Sun Bowl through her volunteer work at the annual Fan Fiesta and is eager to continue representing the Sun City as Lady-in-Waiting for the 2024-2025 Sun Court.

Contact Us!

Sun Bowl Association
4150 Pinnacle Street
Suite 100
El Paso, Texas 79902

Phone: (915) 533-4416
Toll Free: (800) 915-BOWL